Marketing Project Proposal Template

Suggested timeframe

 to  with possibility of extension up to 

Project background

Provide a bit of background on your company's expertise, how you will be approaching this marketing project, and why your approach will be the most beneficial to your client. Link to your portfolio! Link to doc

Analysis of current marketing approach

Embed  any kind of documents  such as slides or videos.
Show that you have researched and understand your prospective client's marketing needs. Analyze their current marketing approach and be specific about how you can improve it to their benefit. 

Problem statement

What problems do you currently see with your potential client's marketing approach or strategy? 

Solution statement

What solution(s) are your proposing to address the problem statement above? Why are your solutions the best ones available?

Project objectives

Determine the specific objectives that your marketing project will accomplish. Hint: These objectives should be in accordance with what the client wants to achieve.

  • Objective 1
  • Objective 2
  • Objective 3

Proposed schedule

Project Phase
Additional Comments
Contact Person
Projected Date
Phase 1

Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4

Proposed budget

You can embed a Google Spreadsheet here and edit it right from Slite!
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3

Additional Information

If there's any other project information that would be of interest to your client, include it here.
Link to doc
Link to doc
Link to doc

Protocol for acceptance

Ultimately, you want your marketing project proposal to be accepted. Should your potential client want to do that, outline the protocol they should enact to do so.