Consulting Project Proposal Template

Suggested Consulting Period:  - 

Project summary

A great way to do it is using  Cover Videos 
Provide a summary of your consulting project that can be easily referred to and read. Mention all the most important elements of the project, as well as your consulting firm's approach.

Company background

Embed slides, PDF files or Youtube videos with  Slite Composer 
Consulting is a job that requires relevant expertise and experience. For that reason, be sure to outline your company's background and what special skills, abilities, and knowledge you will be bringing to the project.

Project scope

Outline all the tasks that will be accounted for within the framework of your project here.
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3


If there's anything you'd like to explicitly specify isn't included within the framework of your project, do so here. This is especially important for consulting projects because lines can get blurry and it's important to distinguish what your project will cover and what it won't.


Specify exactly what key deliverables will be produced once your consulting project has run its course.
  • Deliverable 1
  • Deliverable 2
  • Deliverable 3

Consulting Project Timeline

Contact Person
Additional Information
Projected Date
Milestone 1

Milestone 2
Milestone 3
Milestone 4

Fees & Payment Terms

If you're carrying out a large-scale consulting project, payments will likely be delivered in phases and in accordance with milestones and deliverables. Identify what your firm's fees will be and what payment terms you'd like to work with here.

Additional Information

If there's any additional information that's relevant to your project you'd like to include, do so here.

Approval Protocol

If your prospective client wants to move forward with your consulting project, outline what they need to do to make that happen here.


Attach any extra documents, reports, charts, or data here for your potential client's reference.