Hiring plan template

Role : Lead Engineer
Panel : Tom, Mark, Sue


Lead the back-end architecture and team. Propose and execute a new service architecture. Apply serious testing and fault tolerance code pattern for code scaling. Anticipate in tech decisions for growth.


  • Helps to redefine our back-end architecture and lead its execution
  • Propose new simple systems to enable upcoming features and reduce complexity
  • Grow the skills of technical team on back-end code patterns, scalability and testing


  • Maintain a P95 response time of requests under 200ms.
  • Ensure large companies has the same experience on Slite like smaller ones.
  • Ensure faults are less than 0.1% of requests.


  • Experience 5+ years of experience
  • Persona Ex-CTO - Core open-source maintainer - Early employees of product companies who scaled to ~100 people - serie A/B
  • Environment Already worked on Node.js and service architecture - DevOps a plus
  • Salary 65~85k€ 

Key competencies & related questions

Key competencies
Score (1-5)
Interview questions
Proved success in previous challenging backend position

- Describe a situation where you were facing a technical issue and your normal troubleshooting method wasn’t working. What did you do?- How do you keep a balance between performing thorough quality control while keeping costs low?
Creativity & problem solving
Proposes non-off-the-shelf solutions
- How do you know when to solve a problem on your own or to ask for help?- Describe a time you had to solve a problem without managerial input. How did you do it and what was the result?
Communication skills
Communicates clearly and concisely, can identify and deal with breakdowns.
- What would you do if you there was a breakdown in communication at work?-How would you go about explaining a complex idea/problem to a client who was already frustrated?
LeadershipCan drive motivation, listen to the team and make people grow
- Tell me about a time your idea improved the company in some way. How did you make sure it was implemented?- In what specific ways do you motivate your team?
Technical expertise
Clean coder with eye for details. Knowledge on Node.js or willingness to grow quickly on it. Can architect complex systems.
- Have you implemented significant improvements to an IT infrastructure? What were they, and how did you implement them?- Where do you place most of your focus when reviewing somebody else’s code?