Web Design Project Proposal Template

Customer website URL:  https://slite.com 
Suggested initiation date: 
Suggested conclusion date: 

Analysis of existing website

If your potential client is hiring you for a website design project, they probably either don't have a website or have problems with their existing website. If the latter is the case, analyze the problems you see and how you believe they can be improved.

Objectives for new website

Your client likely has specific features and goals they want accomplished with their new website. List them below.
    .1Objective 1
    .2Objective 2
    .3Objective 3

Examples & potential wireframes

Another great way to put it together is using our  Sketch feature , right in Slite. You can also embed 100+ other types of files

If you have any graphics, sketches or rough wireframes you can use as examples to show your client, include them here.

Website design project timeline

Project Stage
Deadline (tbc)
Planning & Brainstorming

Mockups & Prototypes
Copy & Design Development
Website Launch

Project budget

You can also embed a Google Spreadsheet and edit it right from Slite!

Payment terms & schedule

Your website design project will likely be delivered in stages according to milestones. Explain the payment terms and schedule you normally work with here.

Project terms & conditions

If you have any specific terms & conditions that are relevant to your potential project like contract termination, confidentiality agreements or service limitations, indicate them here.

Protocol for acceptance

If your potential client chooses you to design their future website, explain what they have to do to formally accept your proposal here.


Should you have any additional documents you need to attach to your proposal, do so here.

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