Process Documentation Template

This is a guide to how we work on X in our team.

Process overview

Describe, in narrative form, the business process as a whole and its purpose to your team. Mention who is leading the efforts in this area. 

Break it down into bulleted parts. We've implemented this process because:
  • Point A
  • Point B

Here's where to start

  • In clear terms, explain the "What" of the process: the action being taken by your team. 
  • Add a Table, Smart Table, or Sketch if it will illuminate the process better

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Why we do it this way

  • Explain here the strategic thinking behind the process and why it aligns with your company's goals, values and mission. 

How to incorporate this process into daily workflow

Here's where you get into the details of the action plan. You can include details such as:
  • Best practices
  • Communication guidelines
  • Task delegation

In conclusion

Sum up what has just been said about the process and reiterate the Why.