Performance review template - {date}

Self review


  • What are you proud of, work-wise?

Points of development

  • What would you have changed in the last review period?
  • What challenges have come up?
  • How are you on track to meet your goals? 
  • What are your long-term career aspirations? 

Manager review

  • How can your manager help you be more successful?

Manager notes

Have your manager fill out this section ahead of the meeting.

Overall, how are you doing in your work and why?

Exceptional. A person is exceeding expectations, going extra mile for what is expected in their level. They consistently reach beyond the job description – taking a lead in projects and the team, coaching peers and colleagues, innovating practices, and taking initiative.

Successful. Most of the time they show constant and stable performance, meeting expectations and goals according to the roles & responsibilities. The person is also helping others and demonstrates strong teamwork and collaboration.

Developing. It is not negative to be here and it's a natural temporal state of learning & adaptation that most people go through at some point of their careers. Usually one is developing when they have recently changed to a new level and still learning & adapting to new responsibilities. Or even if their current role changed and require new skills to adapt to the company or industry needs. It can be the case for new hires while OnBoarding and learning as well. Ideally this stage would take no longer than 3-6 months.

Needs improvement. The person has not been able to meet the expectations according to roles & responsibilities during the last period. They need guidance and help get back to meeting expectations. A specific performance improvement plan may be created with the manager to get to performing state again and the next review will be done in 3 months. This is where we can consider stopping the work relationship.

Next steps

Before completing your session, make sure to have a few items in your action plan and a date when you will check in on progress to hold each other accountable.
Action item #1
Action item #2