Business Project Proposal Template

Project Sponsor(s): Someone
Project Stakeholder(s): Someone
Suggested Project Initiation Date: 
Suggested Project Conclusion Date: 

Project Details

Project Background
Provide relevant details about how your project came to be.
Company Background
Share information about your company, why you want to work on this project, and anything special you can bring to the table.
Problem Statement
What problem will your project solve? How will it solve that problem? Why is that solution the best one available?
Project Dependencies
Does this project depend on any foreseen variables? What are they? Link to doc

Project Scope

Sometimes a sketch is worth a 1000 words.  Discover the composer 
Outline all the different tasks and events that will be included under the framework of your project here. If there's anything you want to note specifically won't be covered within your project, create a separate out-of-scope section for that.
    .1Task 1
    .2Task 2
    .3Task 3

Project Timeline

Additional Comments
Projected Date


Identify the key deliverables that will be produced as a result of your potential project.
  • Deliverable 1
  • Deliverable 2
  • Deliverable 3

Project budget

You can embed a Google Spreadsheet here and edit it right from Slite!
Identify how much you think the project will cost when all is said and done. Be specific about costs and touch on resources, contractors, marketing, and the like.

Additional comments

If you need to make any additional comments, include them here.

Authorization protocol

Should the client want to move forward with this project, determine how they can communicate their approval of your project proposal here.


If you have any additional documents, resources or information that needs to be included, do so here.

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