Progress status report template

This document is your guide to creating a regular project status report. Adapt the doc’s inventory to who you’re writing for. Try to give as much information as possible, write clearly, and celebrate each milestone you hit.
Make it your own
Once edited to your liking,  save this template to your team’s templates list  by clicking on the three dots on the right of the screen.

Top level summary

In a few sentences, give an overview of the project status. Adapt this depending on who the report is for. 


Paste a link to your Gantt view calendar, sketch it out or insert an image.

Project overview

Is the project running on schedule?
Are you low or have excess resources? 
Are you on budget, under, or over? 
Is the project’s quality being jeopardized? 
Team Performance 
How is the team performing? Is someone in particular excelling? 
Potential risks & roadblocks that could affect the project timeline. 


Add a video presentation of the milestones reached so far and the challenges ahead.

Drag and drop or


List anything else you think may be important for the manager or reader to know. Discuss qualitative feedback, general feelings around goals, and expectations.