Feedback on the onboarding process

Getting feedback on the onboarding process is important to be able to improve it in future iterations. These questions asked on a 5- or 10-point scale can feed into what changes need to be done in future iterations.

On a scale of 1-10, how do you feel about the questions below:

    The job description explained during the recruitment process was honest and accurate.
    I received helpful organization history, product, and service information when I joined.
    I regularly receive useful feedback from my manager about my performance and progress.
    My immediate manager effectively communicates business unit goals and objectives to me.
    I have been given an overview of how to manage my performance and career.
    I understand how my work will be measured or evaluated.
    I have the tools needed to do my job well.
    The workload required of me is achievable.
    I am able to manage my responsibilities at both work and home.
    I have a clear understanding of my objectives and tasks and what I am expected to accomplish.
    I have supportive co-workers.
    I believe my ideas are valued.
    I feel welcome and part of the team.
    I understand my organization’s goals.
    I understand how my role contributes to the organization’s goals.